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Episode # 76: ANGRY Lifting & IRON THERAPY

Just like anyone else, I get fired up sometimes. I have bad days. I struggle. My best therapy is to crush it with the weights, it doesn’t matter what kind of weights, I’ll take anything I can get my hands

Blasting the Iron with Passion!

The gym is the place where I lose myself and find myself. If I can start or finish my day in the gym, it’s a way to know I did what others dared not do. I want to train and

Underground Strength Show # 62 & 63: Rusty Iron, NO Rules Workouts & Mental Toughness

Training doesn’t have to be perfect for it to work. Often times, the imperfections are better because they train the mind AND the body as one. They force you to cope with the “resistance” that is more than just the

How to Use HEAVY Bodyweight Training & Pulling Power for Brute Strength

I recall having a phone call with Joe DeFranco and he was telling me how one of his Coaches / former athletes, Mike Guadango, was regularly doing heavy, HEAVY 1 rep sets for pull ups. Mike was also performing heavy

How 2 Wrestlers & George Hackenschmidt Changed My Way Of Training

I got my hands on an old book in the early 2000s and it really pushed home the need & the power for simplicity in life, training and nutrition. In addition, the book also encouraged the need for basics. When

Bodybuilding with Russian Kettlebells

This is an old school video of me attacking a bodybuilding / strength style workout, but using Kettlebells instead of traditional free weights. I remember feeling bored with my workouts and I wanted to switch things up and shock my

15 Minute Muscle Building Workouts

I was in a bit of a rush Friday before clients were heading in to The Underground Strength Gym and I was finishing up some work on the Blog. Not to worry, as I knew I could crank out some

Purposeful Primitive Book Review

Above, Kirk Karwoski, world record powerlifter trained under Marty Gallagher, Author of The Purposeful Primitive. One week ago I got a new training book I ordered in the mail, ‘The Purposeful Primitive’. It’s been a while since I got excited

333 | Interview With Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell Club: Lessons from The Westside Barbell Book of Methods

STRONG Life Podcast ep 333 This is a throwback interview I did with Louie Simmons, back in 2008. Back then, there were NO podcasts. I was using a landline to record these audio interviews for https://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com This was done after

No Respect for Basic Strength Training? Lift in the Garage

I have had some interesting conversations with Jim Wendler. One in particular struck a chord with me quite heavily. In fact, it has helped mold a process I use at my gym when training new athletes. Jim and I spoke

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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