STRONG Life Podcast

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Behind The Scenes with Joe DeSena, Barbell Shrugged & The SPARTAN Lifestyle

You’ve asked what happened “behind the scenes” when me and my homies from Barbell Shrugged hung out with Joe DeSena for the day. Check out this podcast and the AWESOME behind the scenes footage of our day in the life

STRONGCast 18: The Spartan Experience w/Joe DeSena & Spartan Lifestyle

WOW. Wake up at 3:30 AM. Get your ass kicked before the sun rises starting at 5 AM. Eat some AWESOME, Natural food all day long. Work, Play, Work, Eat. What else happened during my 24 hrs up in Pittsfield,

STRONG Life Podcast 17: Barbell Buddha | Living Your Dreams & Being STRONG

In this episode of The STRONG Life, I interview Chris Moore, aka Barbell Buddha. Chris has been in the iron game since he was a child. He became a different kind of a “meathead”. Yes, he loved lifting heavy and

STRONGCast 16: Matt Vincent, Simple Strength & Simple Life

This episode of The STRONG Life, aka STRONGCast is with Highland Games World Champion and straight up great guy, Matt Vincent. Matt is one of those guys who “gets it”. He lives the simple life. He applies this simplicity to

STRONG Cast 15: Joe DeSena, Spartan Race Founder & The Spartan Lifestyle

In this episode of The STRONG Life, aka STRONGCast, I interview The Founder of The Spartan Race & The Death Race, Joe DeSena. This is an amazing story, from his early years growing up in Queens, then living “the perfect

STRONG Cast 14 + Power Cast: Talkin’ MAN Shyt & Success!

This episode of The STRONG cast was filmed live at Mark Bell’s Super Training Gym in Sacramento, Cali. We REALLY dig deep into what it takes to succeed and kick ass both in AND out of the gym. Prepare to

Life & Lifting Lessons Learned In Cali

This past weekend I had an AWESOME time out west in Cali! I hadn’t been out to Cali for about 12 years or so, back when my older bro lived in San Diego. If you’ve never been to San Diego,

STRONGCast 13: Travis Mash On Weightlifting, Powerlifting & Family

In this ass kicking episode of The STRONGCast I interview my friend and ass kicker, world record holder and top Weightlifting Coach, Travis Mash. In this episode Travis and I talk about:

Barbell Shrugged, Underground Strength Gym & Living The Code

In this podcast with the Barbell Shrugged crew we crush what is perhaps the most awesome podcast to ever be recorded…. ever…. in the universe. TRUTH. I get into the journey of The Underground Strength Gym and the ups and

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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