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STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 229 | Dr. Doug Kechijian on Military Training + Training as We “Get Older”

Photo Cred: AirForeTimes.com STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 229 with my friend and trusted source for all things health & performance, Dr. Doug Kechijian. Dug and I met about 10 years ago (2010 I believe) at the Original Underground Strength Gym

Iron Roots: York Barbell History & Stories with Jan Dellinger

I had such a blast creating The Iron Roots Podcast with my friends at PLAE. 24 episodes ALL on Video as well as Apple Podcasts so you can listen or watch from anywhere. Iron Roots gave me the opportunity to

Ep. 226 | Josh Bryant & Zach talk Calisthenics, Tactical Training, Martial Arts + CRAZY Gym Stories

Here we GO! STRONG Life Podcast ep. 226 with my buddy, Josh Bryant. With COVID-19 locking down the entire world, and gym goers struggling along with the zoom workout bunnies, guys like myself and Josh Bryant are TRAINING. This style

How to Build BEAST High School & College Athletes

I am amazed at times when an athlete feels he needs “another program” when he can’t even squat 225, let alone bench 225. Or when a Sport Coach insists his athletes can Squat, Bench and Deadlift yet they struggle with

Ep. 221 | NO Fads for Strength & Conditioning + Changing Lives as a Strength Coach

STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 221 In this episode I discuss my stance on having NO time for the BS Fads & Gimmicks in Strength & Conditioning along with being in the “business” of Changing Lives as a Strength Coach. I

Shoulder Health, Deadlifts & 1989 YMCA Weight Room Stories

I remember as a kid reading Arnold’s bodybuilding books and his Encyclopedia mentioned how he uses Deadlifts. He said to do “a few sets of a few reps”. I took that as keeping it fast & furious, never killing the

5 Reasons to Surround Yourself with GREAT People for GREATER Success & LIFE

I say it all the time and I can not emphasize this enough…. You MUST surround yourself and engage with battery chargers, NOT battery drainers. On Monday, Dan Goodman (Co Owner of Varsity House Gym) traveled down to The Underground

Max Effort Training Tips for Athletes & Sports Performance

Athletes need to be strong, there is NO question about it. With all the fads and gimmicks, some athletes think they need a program of all speed or all agility, and they believe they are “strong enough”. This is not

STRONG Life Ep 217 | Success vs Comfort in the Gym AND in Life

I was 15, maybe 16 years old….. It was 1991 and I was training with Jeff, a guy in his mid 20s. He knew I was a wrestler and back then, all we knew was bodybuilding. No Strongman training. No

Ep. 216 | Passion, Intensity & Training That REALLY Works

STRONG Life Ep. 216, here we GO! BOOM! This is a intense & passionate episode where I discuss the following topics:

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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