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STRONG Life 39: I Ain’t Got Time To Be WEAK!

Who’s got the time to be weak? Only those who don’t care for LIFE. Waiting for tomorrow? Waiting for your gym membership to start? Waiting to get your next pay check? It’s MUCH simpler than the “Gurus” want to admit.

3 Reasons Why You’re NOT Getting Stronger Or Bigger

Sometimes…. ya just gotta get The damn job done. Period. What to eat, how to train, optimal sets and reps, how long to rest, circa max phase, belt or no belt? I get these questions ALL the time and I

WHY You Must Train When It REALLY Matters

I was planning on training. I had come off a long weekend in which one night I slept about 2 1/2 hours and then drove 105 miles each way to train several groups of wrestlers. I was exhausted but no

STRONG Life Ep 38: Simple Strength, Dr. Ken & Jim Wendler

The other day I got an awesome text message from Jim Wendler. Jim’s text messages are awesome to the effect that you feel like you just read a new book even though it’s only a text. Note: Make your text

What REALLY Matters Is NOT A Best Seller

My book launched on a Monday and by Wednesday morning it hit # 1 on Amazon Kindle Exercise Section and was also sitting in the top 10 for physical books. I was pumped when I got the news that we

Building Muscle – There Is Always A Way

I’ve spoken at length about how waiting for perfection will kill progress. I’ve spoken about it with regards to training as well as business. Where did this idea come from that for you to get started things have to be

WHY You MUST Earn It & Respect It!

I was in Vermont at SPARTAN HQ with 15 other Underground Strength Coaches. 2 days in a row we trekked up the mountain behind Joe DeSena’s house and although I had been to the top before, it never gets old

Train On Your OWN [GLADIATOR Mindset]

I’ve been hearing the same old line since I was a young teen going to the gym with guns blazing. My friends and the “older guys” in the gym always complained about their lack of motivation. “I’m just not motivated…..”

2 Critical Tips You Need to Get STRONGER

Everyone wants the “secret” to getting stronger, building more muscle, burning fat….. You name the area people want to improve upon, people want “secrets”. But during all this searching, there are 2 common action steps that tend to get left