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282: Jake Tuura | Jumper’s Knee, Strength Coach Business & Vertical Jump Training

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 282. Here we GO! This is the second time I’ve had Jake Tuura on The STRONG Life Podcast but this time, we are IN person! I recorded our training session and the complete session will be

Sustained Strength, Spec Ops Military, Building Tough Athletes & More

I’ve been posting up BONUS podcasts that I’ve done with others so you can keep up with the knowledge. The topics and conversations have been powerful to say the least. In one episode, I was a guest on ‘RAW with

277 | Chris Duffin: Creativity, Managing Mental Health & Strength Training in Your 40s

STRONG Life Podcast ep 277 with Chris Duffin, Founder of Kabuki Strength. I had a GREAT time chatting it up with Chris Duffin. I wanted to stay away from the common questions Chris is asked on the regular and I

Strength Training in Your 40s: MAN STRENGTH

As we “get older”, there comes a point in time where you must ensure that you are capable. The excuses of age, time and anything else are really all just BS. At the time of this writing I am creeping

Squat Life + BEST Advice a Coach Ever Gave Me

The world is a dangerous and crazy place. If you’re not strong both physically and mentally, then you are a threat to yourself and those around you. My training is not focused on chasing the numbers. I am too old

Training for LIFE + 5 Success Tips for Life & Lifting

I came across a video from 2018 on my YouTube channel and felt it needed to get reposted. I’ve got close to 5,000 videos on YouTube, so remember, you can learn anything you want if you’re willing to dig deep

QnA: Tactical Training, Olympic Lifting Debates & Turning Pro

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 273 QnA ALL Day on this one, again! And, it was AWESOME. BIG thanks to everyone who contributed by dropping great questions on my Instagram. Make sure you listen to the end as I announce 2

272 | QnA: Training Large High School Groups & Training Stories from Old School Gyms

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 272 This episode is all QnA where I discuss / answer the following topics that came in from my Instagram: – Training Large High School Groups with limited space AND limited equipment – How to grow

Strength Training Confusion, How Much Volume & THE Haters

This is an in depth video on answering the common questions, misconceptions on volume training vs low volume training (especially if you’re a natural lifter or a competitive athlete) and then I address the haters. It all began after 2

Building Grit & Mental Toughness in Athletes “Safely” + 5 Training Tips

Mental Toughness. Here we go again. One of the most overused phrases in the coaching world. What is it? How do you help athletes “Get Tough” and why is it even important? Well, being a kid who grew up in

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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