How hard is too hard when it comes to packing on size and strength? What is enough, what is too much and what is optimal? After decades of experience since 1989, I’ve seen some guys lean more towards one way
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’m a fan of Kettlebells. I use them often for my own training as well as for the training of our athletes at The Underground Strength Gym. About 7 1/2
It’s shocking how many people only want the FREE things. Not just free in regards to money, but also free in regards to effort. It’s a sign of the times and as a Strength Coach, I feel it’s my duty
I was in Vermont at SPARTAN HQ with 15 other Underground Strength Coaches. 2 days in a row we trekked up the mountain behind Joe DeSena’s house and although I had been to the top before, it never gets old
Links to all the interviews, podcasts, articles, guest blogs & more featuring info on The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength & Conditioning:
I don’t know how long ago it was but someone gave me a powerful piece of advice regarding life and work, but mostly life…. He was telling me about the day that he looked forward to having X amount of
My wife would tell me I HAD to put the air conditioning on for the athletes. I told her I would. I didn’t want her worrying. Then, I told the athletes, if my wife ever asks you guys if I
Anytime you think you’re too busy to warm up, think again. Regardless of your age, it never pays to be “too busy” for a proper warm up. Give yourself 5 minutes to hit a warm up specific to your workout
Throughout my years of training athletes and the decades of my own training, I always loved how the right training built a tough mind AND a tough body. I have seen plenty of athletes built like they were sculpted from
I often wonder how a Strength Coach thinks in his early days of coaching athletes. For me, when I began training athletes, I was viewed as an outcast. Seriously…… Coaches were training on Bosu Balls, using the Functional Trainer cable,