Underground Strength Challenge

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Bodyweight Workout For Size & Strength Using The “Ladder Technique”

I’ve spoken often about using the “ladder technique” with my Bodyweight Bodybuilding training course, but also with Kettlebell Workouts and sometimes with deadlifts as well and had great success. The ladder technique is a powerful way to increase your strength,

The Power Behind Bodyweight Bodybuilding Playground Workouts

I am getting more and MORE hyped on Bodyweight Training. I feel GREAT attacking the calisthenics and with warmer weather especially, it is perfect for training outdoors to rejuvenate mind, body & spirit. The cold is not to be feared

BRUTAL Bodyweight, Sandbags & Kettlebell Workout

I often find myself looking for a tough workout. Something to give me a good ol’ gut check. My fear of becoming “normal” or “just like everybody else” worries me BIG time. On this particular day I got to my

Becoming a BEAST with Bodyweight Workouts

Believe it or not, the gyms “back in the day” looked much like what everyone is trying to use as a fad today, calling everything “old school” is TRUE, but, old school strength back in the day was NOT being

Bodyweight Workout Post Sandbag Challenge

WOW! That John Welbourn Underground Sandbag Challenge busted me up as well as everyone else! Sometimes, you need a good ol’ gut check training session! Some athletes were laying down for 5 – 10 minutes after going ALL out for

Bodyweight Bodybuilding BEAST Workouts

Bodyweight training is in my blood, just like lifting heavy objects is in my blood. Ironically, MANY think the two don’t go hand in hand, they believe it’s ONE or the other. Not true, my friends, I live for BOTH

Thoughts On Squats, Jumps, Aggressive Learning & WINNING

My workouts have been going VERY good lately and after this past weekend’s seminar at my gym with Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick, I have a gained a MUCH greater amount of knowledge AND respect for powerlifting and straight up

Be Strong or Be GONE – Why Men MUST be STRONG

In life and everything else, if you’re not stronger today than you were yesterday, you’ve got a MAJOR issue. You are getting worse, both physically and mentally. Strength is first and foremost a mindset. You need to grow mentally and

SEAL Fit, Getting My Ass Kicked & Pushing the Envelope

I’ve been following some of the workouts from SEAL Fit this past week and adapting them slightly to my own according to injuries and my infancy to the program. My volume is WAY less than they recommend, and those LONG

Underground Strength & Power Circuit: 6 Rounds of Beastin’

You’ve seen The 5 Rounds of Hell Underground Strength Challenge before, HERE. Now, We’ve got The 6 Rounds of Beastin’ 6 Rounds of 6 Reps Check the Underground Strength Circuit Below…

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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