It’s been a minute since I’ve posted a new article to the blog, and honestly, I am writing right now because it FEELS good to write. It’s a therapy of sorts, similar to how I feel when training. LOTS going
Here we GO! STRONG Life Podcast ep. 226 with my buddy, Josh Bryant. With COVID-19 locking down the entire world, and gym goers struggling along with the zoom workout bunnies, guys like myself and Josh Bryant are TRAINING. This style
STRONG Life Podcast Ep 224 here we GO. Zach’s Earliest Trainee Goes from BEAST Athlete to BEAST in Business & Life. This was a GREAT time chatting with 1 of my earliest athletes from the garage days, Chris “Chow” Orzechowski.
After lots of planning and deliberating, it was time to consolidate ALL of my work, end the confusion and focus on working with high achievers. That is why The STRONG Life Brotherhood was created. With thousands upon thousands of free
STRONG Life Podcast ep. 223 with my man, Joe DeSena! I was up at 4:30 AM for this episode that we pulled from Instagram Live and it was POWERFUL. Right now we are living through some uncertain times. Some of
STRONG Life Podcast ep. 222 Here we GO! 6 Tips for Dominating in LIFE. While everyone is going bat s__t crazy with COVID-19, the frauds are running wild and people are talking about free this or free that, this is
I remember as a kid reading Arnold’s bodybuilding books and his Encyclopedia mentioned how he uses Deadlifts. He said to do “a few sets of a few reps”. I took that as keeping it fast & furious, never killing the
If you would have told me 20 years ago that in my 40s I’d be busier than ever, I’d say NO WAY! The fact of the matter is, I AM busier than ever and if you’re an adult with a
I say it all the time and I can not emphasize this enough…. You MUST surround yourself and engage with battery chargers, NOT battery drainers. On Monday, Dan Goodman (Co Owner of Varsity House Gym) traveled down to The Underground
I remember my left shoulder and right knee feeling the pain by the time I was 16 years old. At the time of this writing, I am 44. Time flies yet I have never stopped training, EVER. What am I
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