STRONG Life Insider Ep. 43 | Be TOUGHER Than Your Excuses How many excuses can people come up with? Listen, I HATE my OWN excuses. But hearing everyone else with their excuses that never end makes me realize, holy sh-t,
Recently, I got to watch a wrestling team that I train compete. The team competed against a team where the Coach was one of the original athletes I trained from my garage. It was a special night with lots of
There’s a lot of chatter going on regarding training athletes for speed and strength. Some coaches feel we’re not doing enough speed / sprint work. Others realize that MANY athletes are too weak to sprint properly. And, have we forgotten?
STRONG Life Podcast ep. 213, here we GO! Skipping leg day in the gym is 1 thing, skipping leg day in LIFE is another thing! There are NO shortcuts to achieving REAL Success. We ALL know this, but, how many
There is something very special at The Underground Strength Gym. I bring it with me anywhere I Coach. I look for the hardest worker in the room. I’m gonna tell you why in just a second….. You see, I feel
In this episode of The STRONG Life Insider I outline the nutrition and training required for the under-sized athlete to get JACKED & STRONG. 1 of the things we’ve been doing at The Underground Strength Gym for close to 20
I had a GREAT time being interviewed on Doug Hershberger’s Podcast, The Hard Life! We’re in a world where the majority are busy making excuses, whining, complaining and blaming. People of ALL ages get offended by hard work. In fact,
After going through my Bodyweight Bodybuilding course for some edits, reviews and updates, I changed up some programming for the athletes at The Underground Strength Gym. 1 of those updates was organizing their extra days with more volume of bodyweight
Here and there I catch myself getting away from training that is more Physical Culture based and end up chasing numbers. Now, there is NOTHING wrong with being Strong. But something was missing for me. I wanted to feel the
Sometimes you gotta clear your head. And for “normal folk”, that means getting a few beers, maybe drink some wine. For people like Us, that means squats and deads. Yes, we’re organized and planning our training. We’ve got a goal
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