STRONG Life Podcast ep 333 This is a throwback interview I did with Louie Simmons, back in 2008. Back then, there were NO such thing as a podcast. I was using a landline to record these audio interviews for
STRONG LIFE PODCAST EP. 283, HERE WE GO! I was reading through some old business newsletters that I used to subscribe to from about 2003 or so until maybe 2012. It’s all a blur but these business newsletters were over
There’s a of of talk out there regarding success and how it should NOT be a grind, that it should be easy. When the truth is, it IS hard. There’s no 2 ways about it. Whether it’s athletics, academics, career,
STRONG Life Podcast ep. 237, HERE WE GO! I don’t like to dedicate full episodes to the business aspect but sometimes, it is a must. Time to step UP and get after it. I’ve been getting the same question on
Here we go, STRONG Life Podcast ep. 225 with 1 of my favorite people on the planet, Donny Pritzlaff. The best way I can prepare you for this episode is that I’ve got vert few people who I can merely
STRONG Life Insider ep. 44, here we GO! This episode is a short, to the point podcast on 2 things that everyone KNOWS about yet far & few between ARE about. There are talkers and there are DOERS. There are
STRONG Life Insider Ep. 43 | Be TOUGHER Than Your Excuses How many excuses can people come up with? Listen, I HATE my OWN excuses. But hearing everyone else with their excuses that never end makes me realize, holy sh-t,
Here we GO! STRONG Life Podcast ep. 219 with my man, THE Martin Rooney! Martin was actually my FIRST ever guest on The STRONG Life Podcast and here we are, 7 years later! Man does time fly! This episode can
STRONG Life Podcast ep. 215, Here we GO! This is a short, yet powerful episode where I discuss the influence of Shogun Assassin, where you must Choose the Ball or the Sword. This is about training AND life. I also
Here we GO! STRONG Life Insider Podcast Ep. 42. In this episode I share a story of the infamous “special cheeseburger” I ordered and the lessons learned in Excellence. How in the world does a “special cheeseburger” relate to excellence?