One thing I have learned as of late is that when the going gets tough, MANY people will quit. When the chips are down, they bail. Men especially, are no longer men. I’m not talking that bull shyt where I’m
In early September I got to spend a kick ass weekend with Travis and and a crew of kick ass Underground Strength Coaches up in SPARTAN HQ in Vt. We got to chat life and lifting all weekend and it
I’m doing something different this month where I normally add our Underground Strength Workout of the Month as a private video or a PDF training course to The Underground Inner Circle. This month, I am sharing with you the inside
There are 3 critical keys that have been largely responsible for my success in training as well as coaching. Yes, there is science behind it, but most of all, there are these 3 keys behind the training.
When my Encyclopedia of Underground Strength was released Elliott Hulse interviewed me and we rocked the house, digging deep into training for physical strength and life strength, business and mindset and overall, success. I recorded this bad boy and have
You know that feeling…. It’s late at night. Time escaped you, or is it the other way around? Perhaps YOU escaped time. But now it’s put up or shut up. Don’t talk about it, BE about it. Watch the Video
It’s shocking how many people only want the FREE things. Not just free in regards to money, but also free in regards to effort. It’s a sign of the times and as a Strength Coach, I feel it’s my duty
I was planning on training. I had come off a long weekend in which one night I slept about 2 1/2 hours and then drove 105 miles each way to train several groups of wrestlers. I was exhausted but no
Here we go! STRONG Life Podcast 37 and a video to go with this bad boy. It’s THAT time of year again. I hear it too often and things gotta change. As a society, we’re getting SOFT. It’s NOT Good
My book launched on a Monday and by Wednesday morning it hit # 1 on Amazon Kindle Exercise Section and was also sitting in the top 10 for physical books. I was pumped when I got the news that we
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