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Do What You Can, Even When You Can’t

Whether you’re a sport athlete or a hard charging lifter, injuries and obstacles will always be popping up on your journey. I am still trying to figure out WHY they happen. Is it all about movement? Because I see some

STRONG Life Ep. 100 w/ Jim Steel: Be A Simple Man

Pretty crazy, here we are with The STRONG Life Podcast Episode 100! Jim Steel and I crush part 2 of our conversation and although we talk training others and self, lifting “back in the day” and strength & conditioning today…..

Will Anyone Ever Squat In Peace Again?

I feel bad for this generation of lifters. I’d say that 99.99999999% will NEVER know what it’s like to JUST train for the sake of training and have NO phone around them. The kids I train nowadays always sneak a

STOP Looking For A Substitute

This blog post will make me sound like a cranky old guy talking about “back in the day” but the truth is, even though I am 40 now, I remember feeling this way when I was 30. The photo above

STRONG Life Ep. 99: 30 + Years Strength & Conditioning Advices w/ Jim Steel

STRONG Life Episode 99 with UPenn Head Strength & Conditioning Coordinator, Jim Steel! This episode is sponsored by Intek Strength. Check them out & get your hands on their functional trap bar. Jim brings 30+ years of strength & conditioning

12 Lessons From A Never Ending Podcast with John Welbourn & Jim Steel

What a day….. What a night….. I left the house at 2:30 PM to drive to Philly to meet up with John Welbourn & Tex from Power Athlete HQ. The original plan was for the guys to finish their seminar

STRONG Life 98: Why Are Countless Athletes Weak & Out Of Shape & How to Fix This Problem!

STRONG Life Podcast Episode 98 with Dr. Travis Jewett. Our topic of conversation has been running through my mind for a LONG time: Why Is Everyone So Friggin Weak, Constantly Injured & Immobile VS Agile, Mobile & Hostile? What ever

Strength Coach Profession, Injuries, Old School Strength & Life Purpose

Getting all my thoughts from my brain onto paper or blog post is TOUGH and Time Consuming to say the least. So, when interviews are sent my way, I answer via video or podcast. This leaves the information a bit

Overtraining VS UNDER-Training Your Mind

The mind is the key. Let me explain. I began training in 1989…… Experiences from my own training and in training 1,000 + athletes, I have seen some crazy SHYT happen. How can a lazy athlete who lives a poor

STRONG Life 95: Muscle Building VS Fat Loss, Fatherhood & Strength Coach Advices

STRONG Life Episode 95 is jam packed with Awesome information thanks to your Awesome Questions. I pulled your questions from This Instagram Post. #STRONGLife #Podcast questions can be posted below, tomorrow morning I will record and post on iTunes. /

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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