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Strength Coach Finances, BEST Exercise for Teens & Workout Variety

Another QnA episode of The STRONG Life is UP. This is Episode 73. The more you learn the more empowered you are to kick ass and take names in BOTH Life and Lifting. These questions were pulled from the private

Training Large Groups of Athletes, Squat Every Day, Motivation to Lift Heavier & Football Workouts

STRONG Life Podcast Episode 72 is a QnA session pulled from the private forum of Certified Underground Strength Coaches. This will be a 2 or 3 part series and the focus is mostly training questions, although some business and lifestyle

AJ Roberts On Breaking World Records In Powerlifting & LIFE!

Episode 71 of The STRONG Life Podcast is with a close friend of mine, World Record Holder in Powerifting, AJ Roberts. AJ’s story and skills go FAR beyond being one of the strongest powerlifters to ever walk the face of

Iron Sharpens Iron & The Success Illusion

This post is inspired after seeing The Carolina Panthers earning their way to Super Bowl 50! Joe HOUSE Kenn is The Head Strength Coach for The NFL Carolina Panthers & I’ve been lucky to know House since my early days

Training The Multi Sport Athlete

I received an e mail recently from a multi sport athlete who competes in Football and Wrestling. This is a tough stretch as Football begins mid August and rolls straight into Wrestling season which begins on Thanksgiving. Depending on how

STRONG Life Ep 70: Football Strength & Conditioning w/ Jim Kiritsy

Strength & Conditioning, Physical Preparation, whatever term you want to use, go ahead. The REAL key is Results. Results tell the TRUTH and I see / hear lots of fancy talk out there with NO results. I’ve got Football players

STRONG Life Ep 69: QnA Training Different Athletes, Post ACL Tear Workouts & GREATNESS vs Average

Here we GO! Episode 69 of The STRONG Life Podcast, a full blown QnA of Training, Strength & Conditioning & What It Takes to Get Stronger, Tougher & Faster. Here’s Just Some of the Questions I Answer In This Episode:

When Can A Man STOP Training?

The temp was 29 degrees, Winter had finally set in. I was up that morning at 6 AM, took care of the wife and kids and then drove to The Underground Strength Gym of Manasquan, NJ. I cranked the heat

The Problem With Strength Training Advice On The Internet

Here’s a little news flash that will hurt many people’s feelings: Just because you see it on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s what ALWAYS happens in that person’s training. Just because the guy behind the camera is ripped doesn’t mean he

STRONG Life 68: QnA On Training, Business, Books & Success Mindset

This is the No Frills QnA for Episode 68 of The STRONG Life Podcast. As always, the content is top notch and I pull no punches answering your training, life and business questions. Here are ALL of the questions I

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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