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When Giants Roamed the Earth

Original Article by Jeff Everson Excerpt from the book ‘Forgotten Secrets of The Culver City Westside Barbell Club’ by Dave Yarnell. Before the last epoch of the Cenozoic era, some 65 million years ago, great beasts roamed the earth. These

How to Develop Explosive Power

Undergrounders!! Wus the haps??!! I’ve got some QnA from the e mail side of things. I LOVE doing these QnA Vids and it’s tough to keep up with them, but this was a GREAT one, check it out, all about

Hurricane Irene Bodyweight Workout

Above, Dennis Tinnerino…. old school bodybuilding, olympic lifting and bodyweight workouts. Put em’ all together and you’ve got yourself a BEAST Well, I think that Hurricane Irene has passed through Manasquan, NJ now. Yesterday I cranked a bodyweight workout IN

Unique Bodyweight Workout Tips

I’ve got a cool tip for you to add to your bodyweight workouts. I have used this in a few different ways, and last week was a tough one but a FUN one 🙂 Oh, before I forget, I just

The TRUTH About Bodyweight Workouts

Franco Columbu was a BEAST when it came to pull ups. He cranked them from all angles AND added weight to them as well. High reps AND low reps. Reminds me of my OLD Bodybuilding training partner…. We almost always

Agile, Mobile and Hostile

Your Mission: Agile, Mobile & Hostile…. The REAL Men HAD it back in the day, The Golden Era & Old School times… Why were the Agile, Mobile & Hostile? How did they achieve the ultimate in performance AND appearance? Their

Bodyweight Workout For Size & Strength Using The “Ladder Technique”

I’ve spoken often about using the “ladder technique” with my Bodyweight Bodybuilding training course, but also with Kettlebell Workouts and sometimes with deadlifts as well and had great success. The ladder technique is a powerful way to increase your strength,

The Power Behind Bodyweight Bodybuilding Playground Workouts

I am getting more and MORE hyped on Bodyweight Training. I feel GREAT attacking the calisthenics and with warmer weather especially, it is perfect for training outdoors to rejuvenate mind, body & spirit. The cold is not to be feared

The Power of Deadlifts and Dips

Many say that deadlifts will wreck your back…. True, if you do them wrong. Many say dips will wreck your shoulders…. True, if you do them wrong.

BRUTAL Bodyweight, Sandbags & Kettlebell Workout

I often find myself looking for a tough workout. Something to give me a good ol’ gut check. My fear of becoming “normal” or “just like everybody else” worries me BIG time. On this particular day I got to my

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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