I want to help a few struggling High School Coaches. The Rules are explained in the Video below as to how you can WIN The High School STRONG Program. The results we’ve proven to develop in athletes since 2002 is
I remember my earliest training partners….. They were a few local guys a bit older than me and they would complain about one another behind each others back. Excuses were running rampant…… They would complain that they only could train
It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. The type of adversity that doesn’t give a shit how much weight I can squat or deadlift. Living a STRONG Life transcends the weight on the bar. The STRONG Life transcends what “everyone else”
I began training consistently dating back to June 1989. My body has amassed a lot of mileage. I’ve experience my fair share of injuries and surgeries. I am often asked how to work around injuries or how to build back
Here we GO! Episode 69 of The STRONG Life Podcast, a full blown QnA of Training, Strength & Conditioning & What It Takes to Get Stronger, Tougher & Faster. Here’s Just Some of the Questions I Answer In This Episode:
Men need to train like uncontrolled savages & stop being so damn pretty when it comes to training & workouts. Start doing this at least SOME of the time. Not all of the time, but 1 x week, make it
Too many Coaches have gotten entirely too nice with athletes and their training. Or, they refuse to learn and refuse to change, in turn doing dangerous and stupid training that either doesn’t work and / or injures athletes. “This is
I don’t recall where I read or heard about the story, but, I feel like it was from Marty Gallagher. The crew is getting psyched up, climbing higher and higher on their squats. 500 lbs. 600. 700. 800 + lbs.
If you think too much, and most people do, you will never reach your potential. You will dissect everything and find out 100 reasons why you can’t, when all you need is 1 BIG reason WHY you CAN. You are
Sometimes you need a hardcore wake up call. A proverbial “punch in the face”. Your coasting through life, your training is easy and you’re not moving onward or upward, just standing still. The ultimate way to stress yourself out is
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