Underground Strength Show

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Why You Need SQUATS & The STRONG Life Tip Of The Day

Squats are the cornerstone of The STRONG Life Training Program. When done correctly, you squat deep. You squat heavy. Sometimes you Squat with lighter weights but higher reps. 10 and 20 rep squats. They are brutal but they are a

The STRONG Life Philosophy: How to Dominate in the Gym AND in LIFE

The STRONG Life is The BEST Life. Strong Mind. Strong Body. STRONG LIFE. The Philosophy behind The STRONG Life is constantly evolving for me. Once you STOP evolving you are no longer living. It’s an understanding that once you accept

The TRUTH About Success, Excellence & Convenience

Last weekend was a whirlwind of emotions as we had our MOST successful Lift STRONG fundraiser for Leukemia & Lymphoma. Since 2007 when it ALL began, the growth has been amazing! When the reporter asked & said to me, “This

Be GREAT, Because…..

It was a Friday morning as I flew from NJ to NC and would then fly to Miami. I would be spending the weekend sharing stories of The Underground Strength Gym with plans of inspiring just 1 person. No thoughts

Genetics, Lame Excuses & Muscle Building

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated

STRONG Life 84: Discipline To Succeed In Sports, Life & Business w/ Matt Vincent

Episode 84 of The STRONG Life Podcast with Matt Vincent, a Highland Games World Champion. We crush the QnA and discuss questions that address: Training to boost your deadlift Competing on the regular & always being ready to compete &

STRONG Life 83: Strength In Life & Business, Matt Reynolds Will NOT Be Out Worked!

STRONG Life Podcast 83 – Matt Reynolds Will NOT Be Outworked! In this episode Matt & I discuss training as a powerlifter & strongman as Matt is an Elite level Powerlifter and a PRO Strongman! Here are just some of

Results VS Excuses & The Underground Strength Gym Birthday – EST. 2002

I just came across a photo on my Facebook that was 7 years old. It brought back some serious memories when I saw that photo, below! I shared this article below with the members of The Underground Strength Gym and

Power Cleans for Athletes? The How & Why with Zach & Travis Mash

To power clean or not? THAT is the question. The answer of yes or no as well as HOW to Power Clean will vary depending on MANY scenarios that I discuss below in the videos on my own & with

STRONG Life Ep. 82: Zach & NFL Veteran, John Welbourn Answer Your Questions!

Episode 82 of The STRONG Life Podcast was my favorite episode ever as NFL Veteran, John Welbourn and I work together to crush this QnA episode. Here are just SOME of the topics / questions we crushed in this jam

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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