Search Results for: louie simmons – Page 8

THE Underground Strength Gym – What REALLY Happened?

Soooo…. what REALLY goes down at The Underground Strength Gym? I am often asked…. I am a lucky guy, I won’t deny it. I LOVE what I do and love it even more when I’m sweating bullets and my hands

Hurricane Irene Bodyweight Workout

Above, Dennis Tinnerino…. old school bodybuilding, olympic lifting and bodyweight workouts. Put em’ all together and you’ve got yourself a BEAST Well, I think that Hurricane Irene has passed through Manasquan, NJ now. Yesterday I cranked a bodyweight workout IN

2 Critical Program Design Tips, Identifying “Dangerous” Exercises & Knowing Your Enemy

Remember that OLD school tune with Rage Against the Machine, “Know the Enemy”? Yep, Yep… well, with training, it’s the same difference. After training for 22 years I am still learning more and more about my body, sometimes, ya gotta

Thoughts On Squats, Jumps, Aggressive Learning & WINNING

My workouts have been going VERY good lately and after this past weekend’s seminar at my gym with Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick, I have a gained a MUCH greater amount of knowledge AND respect for powerlifting and straight up

The Art of Brute Strength & Packin’ on Muscle

Is there truly an ART or a Science to getting strong as hell? Hmmmmm…… Ask Louie Simmons and he will say yes, Jim Wendler will also drop his genius with his 5/3/1 program, allowing him to keep getting stronger….and STRONGER.

How to Kick Ass, Get STRONGER & Get JACKED in a 1 Car Garage Gym

I remember I was 25 or so, and decided to stop training at the local gym. I was finishing Graduate school which was an hour drive each way. Graduate school was wiping me out in addition to working full time,

REAL World Strength vs Pretty Boy Bodybuilding

It was the Fall of 2007…… Interesting story from today while training a crew of wrestlers and football players…. Two high school kids stopped by the gym while we were outside flipping tires, pulling and pushing sleds, carrying kegs, sandbags

Episode # 71: Influences in Grip Strength Training

How can you deny those who taught you? My book shelves are filled with books and videos from guys like Joe DeFranco, Alwyn Cosgrove, Ross Enamait, Diesel Crew, old school Strength & Health magazines, John Jesse, Josh Henkin, Louie Simmons,

No Respect for Basic Strength Training? Lift in the Garage

I have had some interesting conversations with Jim Wendler. One in particular struck a chord with me quite heavily. In fact, it has helped mold a process I use at my gym when training new athletes. Jim and I spoke

Endless Lessons Learned from The Underground aka “Old School” Bodybuilding & Strength Training Methods

In the 50s and 60s, strength sports were a small “Underground” cult. Even in the 70s. Until Arnold hit the big screen, bodybuilding and literally building your body was viewed as something only a narcissist would do. Today, of course,

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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