STRONG Life Podcast

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278 | ‘The Soft American’ Circa 1960 vs Where we are Today

I have read about and come across much information regarding President JFK’s popular article, published on December, 26 1960 in Sports Illustrated magazine. I had to buy the original because I’ve been fired up lately with our how government from

277 | Chris Duffin: Creativity, Managing Mental Health & Strength Training in Your 40s

STRONG Life Podcast ep 277 with Chris Duffin, Founder of Kabuki Strength. I had a GREAT time chatting it up with Chris Duffin. I wanted to stay away from the common questions Chris is asked on the regular and I

STRONG Life 276: Ryan Michler | Parenting, Evolving as a Man & the Importance of Challenging Yourself

STRONG Life Podcast ep 276 with Ryan Michler. NOTE: the above photo was from my trip to Maine in the Summer of 2019. See the photo below as his son has transformed himself completely, it is very inspiring! Brought to

275 | QnA: Deadlift Tips, HIT Training vs Volume Training, Building Grit in Kids, Gym Business & More

STRONG Life Podcast 275 is a QnA episode with GREAT questions and of course…… GREAT Answers 🙂 Brought to you by the best of the best in Strength Training Equipment at SORINEX. Topics include:

274 | In Season Training for Athletes & Online Business Tips for Strength Coaches

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 274, HERE WE GO! This episode is a QnA but I also share some thoughts from the heart, about what is happening to our country and to our troops. As I get feedback from some friends

QnA: Tactical Training, Olympic Lifting Debates & Turning Pro

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 273 QnA ALL Day on this one, again! And, it was AWESOME. BIG thanks to everyone who contributed by dropping great questions on my Instagram. Make sure you listen to the end as I announce 2

272 | QnA: Training Large High School Groups & Training Stories from Old School Gyms

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 272 This episode is all QnA where I discuss / answer the following topics that came in from my Instagram: – Training Large High School Groups with limited space AND limited equipment – How to grow

271: Joe DeFranco & Zach Discuss Art of Coaching, Strength Coach Lifestyle & LIFE LESSONS

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 271. HERE WE GO! This is a POWERFUL episode so I am sure you’ll want to listen to this episode multiple times! Brought to you by Sorinex. In this episode, Joe and I discuss the following

The Realities of Private Sector Strength & Conditioning VS College / High School Strength & Conditioning

I love sharing the ups and downs, and most of all, the realities of what I experience in the field of strength & conditioning / sports performance. There’s too much fake BS on social media and so I feel it

270 Matt Nichol | Strength Coach Professionalism, Old Training Books & Safely Building “Mental Toughness” in Athletes

STRONG Life Podcast 270 with Matt Nichol. In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast, We discuss the following topics: – Strength Coach Professionalism – Building Grit & Mental Toughness in Athletes today AND doing it Safely – The Hunger

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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