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288: Minimalist Training | Less Training, More Strength & Health

STRONG Life Podcast ep 288: Minimalist Training | Less Training, More Strength & Health. Coming off a rough 2 weeks of sickness, I discuss my new training plan with a minimalist approach along with the changes to my vitamin regime,

Minimalist Training During the Holidays

December is but a few moments away as is my 46th circle around the sun…… December is the perfect time to transition into a minimalist style of training to ensure you continue training while staying mentally sound during the most

284: Early Days YMCA Strength Training, Why Smart Phones Make You Weaker + Training for Life

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 284 – Again, I thought this would be a short, 10 minute solo episode but I got in a groove with the stories and so we’re rolling this as a FULL episode. Brought to you by

283: “I Judge People by the Excuses they Make”

STRONG LIFE PODCAST EP. 283, HERE WE GO! I was reading through some old business newsletters that I used to subscribe to from about 2003 or so until maybe 2012. It’s all a blur but these business newsletters were over

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 280: Coach Al Vermeil | The Art of Coaching, Building Tough Athletes & More!

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 280 with legendary Strength Coach, Al Vermeil. Brought to you by SORINEX – the leaders in strength training equipment. If you’re a Coach, google Coach Vermeil to see his bio and experience in coaching. Coach Vermeil

Sustained Strength, Spec Ops Military, Building Tough Athletes & More

I’ve been posting up BONUS podcasts that I’ve done with others so you can keep up with the knowledge. The topics and conversations have been powerful to say the least. In one episode, I was a guest on ‘RAW with

PSA: Time to Build TOUGHER Athletes Again

I was training with my old buddy and training partner last week and we started ranting about how much things have changed. When my buddy and I began training together on the regular, he was a teenager and I was

278 | ‘The Soft American’ Circa 1960 vs Where we are Today

I have read about and come across much information regarding President JFK’s popular article, published on December, 26 1960 in Sports Illustrated magazine. I had to buy the original because I’ve been fired up lately with our how government from

277 | Chris Duffin: Creativity, Managing Mental Health & Strength Training in Your 40s

STRONG Life Podcast ep 277 with Chris Duffin, Founder of Kabuki Strength. I had a GREAT time chatting it up with Chris Duffin. I wanted to stay away from the common questions Chris is asked on the regular and I

Strength Training in Your 40s: MAN STRENGTH

As we “get older”, there comes a point in time where you must ensure that you are capable. The excuses of age, time and anything else are really all just BS. At the time of this writing I am creeping

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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