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My Vintage York Barbell Gym Tour

I snagged a recent e bay auction with 600 lbs of vintage weights from York Barbell, Wonder Barbell, Jackson Barbell and Heathway Barbell. Little did I know this gentleman (who’s identity can not be identified) had a BEAUTFUL Vintage

Power-Bodybuilding Workouts

Last night I was so tired when I was done training my athletes at The Underground I was ready to just call it a night and drive home. Certainly, back when I was a teenager or early 20s, training at

Bodybuilding with Sandbags

I love training with Sandbags. They are simple and brutal. Overall, they are an all in one gym and you can mimic a lot of barbell lifts with the sandbag along with old fashioned farm boy work; carry, throw, loading

Develop Full Body Strength with Farmer Walk Variations

I’m a BIG believer in carrying heavy objects of all kinds. It requires you to perform an explosive power clean or a Deadlift at the beginning of every set. Then, you must wrestle the object into position which works the

REAL World Strength vs Pretty Boy Bodybuilding

It was the Fall of 2007…… Interesting story from today while training a crew of wrestlers and football players…. Two high school kids stopped by the gym while we were outside flipping tires, pulling and pushing sleds, carrying kegs, sandbags

Dinosaur Training, Sandbags and a Gift

Recently a gentleman stopped by my gym to gift me with some very, very, very rare gifts. This shocked me BIG time…. This gentleman, named John, stopped by my Underground Strength Gym unannounced. Normally, I am not a fan of

Old School Muscle | Lessons & Inspiration from 2 Men Who Know About RAW Strength

I have an inspiring message for you, or, shall I say, lessons I’ve learned from 2 Men that TRULY inspire me in the world of strength, muscle building and athletic performance. These men BOTH walk the talk and have been

Episode # 106: Dr. Ken Leistner Inspiration, Part II

Rules? What rules? F**K the rules! This training session was inspired by Dr. Ken Leistner. Dr. Ken was a TRUE pioneer in the field of strength & conditioning. Having one day a week of NO Rules Training is great for

Underground Strength Show Ep. 104: Inspiration from Dr. Ken

I’m a BIG fan of the good ol’ days when strength was a priority. When strength is your goal you have no problems putting on size. Squats were ass to grass and deadlifts were common place. Today, everyone says they

Coach Ethan Reeve Interview

“All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think. The trouble is that men very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to think, because thinking is such hard

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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