STRONG Over 40

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365 | Why Men Over 40 Need a STRONG Back & a STRONGER Attitude

STRONG Life Podcast ep 365 Why Men Over 40 Need a STRONG Back & a STRONGER Attitude Brought to you by Why are men becoming fragile snowflakes when they “get older”? Men are afraid to “lift heavy” or perform

364 | Speed Training & Plyometrics for Men Over 40 (Safely & Effectively)

STRONG Life Podcast ep 364 How to Safely Train Men Over 40 with Speed Training & Plyometrics Brought to you by Topics covered in this episode: – How Can Men Over the age of 40 perform speed training /

Bill Seno Tips on Strength & Building Muscle

Bill Seno was a champion powerlifter, bodybuilder & weightlifter. A rare blend of ALL 3 styles of lifting / strength. Louie Simmons often shares the advice of Bill Seno who told Louie, “Do 6 x 6 with an illegally wide

Strength Training for Men Over 40

I’m working on a lot of content for men over 40. Please comment below on what you need help the most with? Here are some topics I’ve been asked about and with your help, we can make the ZE Blog

The Warrior Who Trained & Lived by His OWN Rules

This is an excerpt from my book, IRON JOURNEYS. He was a quiet man. He got away from the busy streets and found himself some land and built a cabin with a few old friends. He told me he paid

Iron in Your Words of Death

What a strange world we live in. I wrote this initially during the early stage of the covid lockdown. But I realized that writing about it, tweeting to a Governor, etc is a waste of time. Change comes when you

6 Reasons Why Your Strength Training Program is Failing

I am always learning. I find podcasts or articles, even old books from decades ago to see how the “What’s old is new” philosophy can help me become a better coach & lifter. Recently, I have been listening to an

169 | Stan “The Rhino” Efferding on Nutrition, Training & Attacking LIFE

Here we GO! STRONG Life Podcast ep 169 with The strongest bodybuilder in the world, Stan Efferding. This episode is BIG time inspiring. We kick it off talking about bodybuilding, nutrition mistakes, consistency in training and of course, some throwback

The ORIGINAL Keto Diet – Circa 1968

Recently I was gifted with yet another BIG box of old school magazines. Health & Strength, IronMan, Muscle Builder & Power….. These magazines are gold and it’s amazing how I find information from 40-60 years ago that are sometimes brought

Strength Training “Advices” From 27 Years Training Experience

Coming this June marks what I call my “Strength Training Anniversary”. I began lifting weights in Mid June, 1989 while in 8th grade and I haven’t looked back or stopped since. I was 13 1/2 years old. This June I’ll

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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