I’ve seen some books out there and “experts” telling you NOT to follow your passion. They say it’s Not what is always “best for business”. SOME people CAN live without pursuing passion. They are fired up about the $$$ in
I remember my earliest training partners….. They were a few local guys a bit older than me and they would complain about one another behind each others back. Excuses were running rampant…… They would complain that they only could train
Original Photo & Story HERE This was a QnA session BUT heavily prefaced by an explanation of “What It Takes”, an expansion of the recent “What It Takes” Blog Post….. I suggest you read that blog post because until you
Above, The LAST Crew for The USC Cert. I Gifted 2 of My Favorite Books / Authors: Gary Vaynerchuk & Steven Pressfield. I was 13 years old. It was the Summer before entering high school. My friends were NOT doing
I wonder if the world would be different in my eyes if I never wrestled? My older brother told me “It’s the most awesome sport!” I was in 8th grade at the time and he was a sophomore in high
My buddy and I used to hunt the area for the best playgrounds. We looked for parallel bars and pull up bars specifically. These were gems. Some schools removed their entire playground if one child fell and got injured. So
It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. The type of adversity that doesn’t give a shit how much weight I can squat or deadlift. Living a STRONG Life transcends the weight on the bar. The STRONG Life transcends what “everyone else”
When schools or individuals are worried about turf instead of their grass field, a beautiful weight room instead of the old dungeon weight room and sophisticated X, Y, Z …….. They are worried about the WRONG things. The TRUTH is
I began training consistently dating back to June 1989. My body has amassed a lot of mileage. I’ve experience my fair share of injuries and surgeries. I am often asked how to work around injuries or how to build back
Episode 71 of The STRONG Life Podcast is with a close friend of mine, World Record Holder in Powerifting, AJ Roberts. AJ’s story and skills go FAR beyond being one of the strongest powerlifters to ever walk the face of
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