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Building Stronger, Tougher & Faster Athletes: Eventually, Athletes Need a Heavy Bar on their Back

Times have been changing for quite some time….. Strength training with the basics is just not “cool” anymore. “Experts” hate on squats and now we have high school kids who can barely squat bodyweight. And this COVID shutdown of gyms

245 | Josh Rondeau on Old School Strength & Lifters of the Golden Era

Photo Cred: StartingStrength.com STRONG Life Podcast ep. 245 with Josh Rondeau. What a GREAT time this was hamming it up talking about old school strength with Josh. We bounce around a bit, of course, but you’ll be inspired and educated

244 | Anders Varner of Barbell Shrugged | How the Barbell Transforms Lives

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 244 with Anders Varner of Barbell Shrugged! BOOM! What a GREAT convo about how the barbell can change your life and the lives of everyone else. This is a BIG time inspiring convo and you’re gonna

Texas Strength & Conditioning Interviews Zach on The Team Behind the Team

GREAT times chatting with veteran Strength Coach Donnie Maib (Assistant Athletics Director for Athletic Performance) and Michael Hanson, Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach at Texas. Well renowned coach, Zach Even-Esh, joins Donnie Maib and Mike Hanson to dive into Zach’s

How to Build BEAST Athletes Who Dominate, From Youth to D1 to Olympians

When the beginning of COVID locked us all down, I was helping friends near and far with interviews, workouts and support for their gyms. My buddy Jim Kelly reached out to me. Jim is in Iowa operating Citadel BJJ and

Sean Waxman: Old School Strength, Training Athletes & The Gym Business

I had a GREAT STRONG Life Chat with my friend, Sean Waxman. Sean grew up in Brooklyn in the early 80s and was surrounded by old school strength from day 1. This is a BONUS STRONG Life Podcast where I

STRONG Life Ep. 230 | Shelton Stevens on Tactical / Military Physical Preparation

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 230 with Shelton Stevens. Shelton is currently a Strength & Performance Coach for Army Special Forces with a strong history of coaching at the collegiate level. In this episode we discuss the training required for active

Iron Roots: York Barbell History & Stories with Jan Dellinger

I had such a blast creating The Iron Roots Podcast with my friends at PLAE. 24 episodes ALL on Video as well as Apple Podcasts so you can listen or watch from anywhere. Iron Roots gave me the opportunity to

How to Build BEAST High School & College Athletes

I am amazed at times when an athlete feels he needs “another program” when he can’t even squat 225, let alone bench 225. Or when a Sport Coach insists his athletes can Squat, Bench and Deadlift yet they struggle with

Ep. 216 | Passion, Intensity & Training That REALLY Works

STRONG Life Ep. 216, here we GO! BOOM! This is a intense & passionate episode where I discuss the following topics:

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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