Here we go in part 2 of what will be a 3 part series. What is better? The Trap Bar Deadlift or Conventional Deadlifts or Sumo? Well, as I always say, It depends! I explain why it depends from both
It’s been a long time coming but it’s finally here! The Online Underground Strength & Sports Performance Cert is HERE. This is your first step in becoming a CUSC / Certified Underground Strength Coach. The 4 Bonuses alone are powerful,
There is no need for controversy in the Deadlift. ALL Deadlifts are awesome and beneficial for athletes, it all depends on when and where that specific deadlift variation is being utilized. I am not married to any exercise when it
Sometimes you gotta clear your head. And for “normal folk”, that means getting a few beers, maybe drink some wine. For people like Us, that means squats and deads. Yes, we’re organized and planning our training. We’ve got a goal
With the release of The Underground Strength & Sports Performance Course, I wanted to give you a taste of what you’ll be learning as you begin your journey towards becoming a Certified Underground Strength Coach. How do we run things
I’ve shared something with Strength Coaches I consult with on the regular, and it’s something simple yet unfortunately, not everyone does it. What is that “thing”? It’s simple.
If you’ve been following me for some time, you’ve likely heard me use the phrase, Comfort is the Enemy. But…… Let me expand on this. Comfort is the Enemy….. IN TRAINING. But, what about Life? Should life always be a
This article is about GRIT & Toughness for the Strength & Conditioning Coach. This profession is NOT easy. The hours can be crazy and the vacations can be little but we are SO damn passionate about what we do, it’s
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