Tag: underground strength gym

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STRONG Life Insider Ep. 37 | How to Use Golden Era Bodybuilding Methods / Volume Training to Gain Size & Strength

Volume training was a BIG deal back in the 70s and then it made a comeback in the past 5-8 years. What’s old is new again but the truth is, there is a time and place for everything. Who needs

STRONG Life Insider Ep. 35 | Anabolic “Secrets” of THE STRONGEST People on Earth?

The unnecessary complications that people make for nutrition and training is staggering. It’s mind boggling, actually. In fact, it is heartbreaking to be honest with you. Why the heck are people so confused nowadays? It’s simple. Information overload. And, the

STRONG Life Insider Ep. 33 | Gym Strong VS Life STRONG

Here we GO! STRONG Life Insider Ep. 33. In this episode, I was inspired as I thought WAY back 30+ years ago to my days of getting my lunch stolen. The days of being afraid of others, where guys would

STRONG Life Insider: Chop Wood, Carry Water

I love books. And the way I REALLY know the book is great? I start getting bummed out as I notice the end of the book is near. In this episode of The STRONG Life Insider, I share an excerpt

6 Reasons Why Your Strength Training Program is Failing

I am always learning. I find podcasts or articles, even old books from decades ago to see how the “What’s old is new” philosophy can help me become a better coach & lifter. Recently, I have been listening to an

How to Prepare Yourself for The Police Academy

Recently I was at a commercial gym and about to head out after my training session until 1 of the guys introduced himself to me and asked me if I was a cop. He had seen me training as I

STRONG Life Insider: The Development of Muscular Bulk & Power

From Anthony Ditillo’s Book, The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power There is something about bulk and power training that invades your very soul. It is extremely hard to put into words. The exercise movements themselves are quite simple to

Strength Coach Tips: Training Youth Athletes VS High School Athletes

I must admit, it breaks my heart when I see a “strength coach“ having a 12-year-old kid maxing out on the deadlift or maxing out on the back squat. I’m seeing kids who weigh under 100 lbs performing round back

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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