Tag: underground strength gym

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Full Body Strength & Shoulder Health Tips

First off, the pic above of my thick handle dumbbells needs to be addressed. I feel bad mixing Sports Authority weights with York Dumbbells. I had those plates sitting in a milk crate for ages so I just had to

Greg Panora, Scott Baumann & Zach Even – Esh Seminar in Maine

Time & Location Feb 08, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM IRON LEGION STRENGTH CO., 90 Bridge Street, Westbrook, ME, USA About the Event Join Scott Baumann, Zach Even-Esh and Greg Panora for a 5-hour, hands-on workshop, where you will work

How Push Ups Can Change Your Life

Recently, I got to watch a wrestling team that I train compete. The team competed against a team where the Coach was one of the original athletes I trained from my garage. It was a special night with lots of

STRONG Life Insider Ep 42 | The Infamous “Special Cheeseburger” & Turning Pro

Here we GO! STRONG Life Insider Podcast Ep. 42. In this episode I share a story of the infamous “special cheeseburger” I ordered and the lessons learned in Excellence. How in the world does a “special cheeseburger” relate to excellence?

Our BIGGEST Holiday Sale. EVER.

Good Morning & Happy Holidays 🙂 ​I know you’re busy so I will make this Fast! This is the BIGGEST Sale I’ve had in…… I think, EVER! So, here is your 50% Off Discount Code: NOTE: This sale is over

5 Tips for Training Athletes for Strength AND Toughness

There’s a lot of chatter going on regarding training athletes for speed and strength. Some coaches feel we’re not doing enough speed / sprint work. Others realize that MANY athletes are too weak to sprint properly. And, have we forgotten?

STRONG Life Insider Ep. 41 | Lessons from Prison, Samurais + 3 GREAT Books

STRONG Life Insider, Episode 41: Lessons from Prison, Samurais + 3 GREAT Books. In this episode I discuss my thoughts on training for life, great books I am reading and lessons from The Samurai Warrior. The Training for Life concept

STRONG Life Insider Ep. 40 | How to Destroy Those WEAK Excuses Holding You Back

How many weak excuses to come up with on a daily basis? Whether it’s in the gym or in life, I constantly hear people making WEAK excuses. They have a laundry list of reasons as to why they are NOT

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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