Tag: underground strength gym

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DESTROYING Your Sensitive Mindset & Choosing STRENGTH in Mind AND Body

There’s lots of sensitivity floating around nowadays. Everyone gets offended by your words, not just from people but from words on the internet, from people they don’t know and will likely never meet in person. People argue over politics, training

Are You NOT Ready for Barbell Lifts? When to NOT Squat, Bench & Deadlift?

I was chatting with a friend over the weekend over dinner and I train his son for the past 2 years. He told me how another Dad was worried about training at The Underground Strength Gym because his son was

5 Thoughts (Tips) on Program Design for Athletes

I love studying and talking program design. But even more so, I LOVE Coaching. You see, LOTS of books, articles, “influencers” can TALK about program design but can you COACH? Can you COMMAND the room? I want to share these

5 X 5 Training + Bodyweight Bodybuilding Tips

Yesterday on my IG I shared the above cover and tips on how to use 5 X 5 along with Bodyweight Bodybuilding. Then yesterday afternoon I came across the news that Franco had passed away. It was heartbreaking for me.

The Benefits of High Rep Bodyweight Training

​After going through my Bodyweight Bodybuilding course for some edits, reviews and updates, I changed up some programming for the athletes at The Underground Strength Gym. 1 of those updates​ was organizing their extra days with more volume of bodyweight

Getting Back to the Bells’ & Bodyweight Training + Donnie Thompson (SuperD) Inspiration

Here and there I catch myself getting away from training that is more Physical Culture based and end up chasing numbers. Now, there is NOTHING wrong with being Strong. But something was missing for me. I wanted to feel the

Are You a Slave to Your Phone & Technology?

Image Rights from Genesis Lawyer It’s heartbreaking to see it. I drive through town slowly and people are crossing the street without even looking up. I think to myself, what is the conversation in their head right now? I will

Do These 3 Bodyweight Only Exercises, Inspired by Herschel Walker

There are 3 crucial bodyweight exercises that everyone should be able to do AND, that everyone should put a lot of energy into. 1) Push Ups – we learned these as kids and surprisingly, I don’t see too many people

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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