Tag: red black gym

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Dads – Be STRONG on Demand | Strength for When SHTF (Sh-t Hits the Fan)

Last Friday I was exhausted with stress. I was not sleeping well, didn’t have my normal meals and it was the end of a high stress week. I always tell athletes how emotional stress is much tougher than physical stress.

OLD SCHOOL GYMS: Bill Crawford, Metal Militia & Adirondack Barbell Club

I had a great time visiting Adirondack Barbell Club in Glens Falls, NY last week. I had been here before about 12 years ago when on my vacation in upstate, NY. I did not get a chance to record the

Old School Gyms: New Series & Mission to Share!

This is my dedication to help honor and keep the fire burning for old school gyms that started decades ago. I want to share the stories of the lifters, coaches and mentors who inspired others to build gyms and coach

5 Wrestling Strength Tips to Become a Winning & Pinning Machine

5 Wrestling Strength Tips: 1) Implement carries, calisthenics & sleds on the regular. GPP must be a high focus for wrestlers to build durability both physically and mentally. 20 years ago I was on the phone w/ Louie Simmons of

7 Common Mistakes Teen Athletes make as well as Coaches

7 Common Mistakes Teen Athletes make as well as Coaches: 1) Lifting too heavy, too often in the 1 – 5 rep range. Grind reps do not contribute to speed, power or hypertrophy 2) Incorrect Technique. HOW you do an

432 | 7 Reasons Why I Started a Men’s Strength Training Group at The Underground

STRONG Life Podcast ep 432 7 Reasons Why I Started a Men’s Strength Training Group at The Underground Brought to you by: http://ZachStrength.com – BEST FREE STRENGTH TRAINING GIFTS AND NEWSLETTER Listen below and enjoy!

STOP Complicating Your Strength Training & Start Getting STRONG

When I was a 5th year teacher I picked up the local paper, The Star Ledger, and checked the classified ads. I wanted to see who was selling used gym equipment. Back then, there was nothing fancy for sale. It

STRONG Life Podcast Bonus: How Wrestlers REALLY Need to Strength Train

In this BONUS episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I talk ALL things wrestling strength & conditioning with Dalton Bullard, from https://www.theschoolofwrestling.com/ This was a powerful conversation on ALL things wrestling strength training / wrestling performance. The wrestlers who are

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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