Tag: underground strength gym

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Gladiator Bodybuiliding of the 60s & 70s

The Golden Era of Bodybuilding (the 70s) brought on the high volume approach to training. Before this, many of these men trained 3 x week with a full body workout, which is STILL a GREAT program. Men like Steve Reeves

Random Thoughts November 2020

Sometimes I write for no other reason than to write for myself. That’s right, just for me. It’s a great way to cleanse the mind and get something out of your head and onto paper or in this case, on

Strength & Conditioning Thoughts: “Perfect” Training vs DOING THE WORK

Above: The Dumbbells at Diamond Gym. To get to the heaviest weights, you must do all the work to get them from the bottom! In sports, you can be a Coach or even a fan watching practice or competition and

Training In Your 40s, Bulgarian Power Burst, Bench Press + Deadlift Tips

With my hectic schedule I am going through some short training sessions, around 15-20 minutes a clip. Sometimes I get 2 mini sessions a day and instead of complaining, I simply get it done. Announcing how tired or busy I

The “BEST Way” to Train & Develop Athletes for LONG Term Success

Is there a “best way” to train athletes? Many roads can lead to Rome, but the way America is operating with regards to training our youth, only the genetically gifted are thriving. The majority are getting injured and / or

STRONG Life Insider Ep. 46: Fighting to EARN Your Success

There’s a of of talk out there regarding success and how it should NOT be a grind, that it should be easy. When the truth is, it IS hard. There’s no 2 ways about it. Whether it’s athletics, academics, career,

Building Stronger, Tougher & Faster Athletes: Eventually, Athletes Need a Heavy Bar on their Back

Times have been changing for quite some time….. Strength training with the basics is just not “cool” anymore. “Experts” hate on squats and now we have high school kids who can barely squat bodyweight. And this COVID shutdown of gyms

31 Life & Lifting Lessons from 31 Years in the Iron Game

Good ol’ June of 1989. That’s when it all started for me. Squatting in my older brother’s room on our chrome, spin collar barbell set. I opened Arnold’s Encyclopedia and saw a photo demonstrating proper squat technique. And 31 years

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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