Tag: strong life podcast

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“REAL World Training” During these Dangerous Times

We are living through some dangerous, crazy times. NEVER did I imagine I would see civilians shooting each other in the streets. NEVER did I imagine such divide in our country here in The United States. It’s NOT just enough

Old Training Methods for New Results

At age 44, I am still learning and evolving with my training. 31 years into training and unlike many lifters and coaches, I am not moving forward with a closed mind. Listen, if you want to get better, you need

Iron in Your Words of Death

What a strange world we live in. I wrote this initially during the early stage of the covid lockdown. But I realized that writing about it, tweeting to a Governor, etc is a waste of time. Change comes when you

Conspiracy Craziness, Upper Body Warm Ups + Specialty Bars for Shoulder Health

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted a new article to the blog, and honestly, I am writing right now because it FEELS good to write. It’s a therapy of sorts, similar to how I feel when training. LOTS going

Kettlebell & Bodyweight Hybrid Course

“Get Stronger, Leaner & Mentally Tougher With The Hybrid Kettlebell & Bodyweight Course” Here’s What You’ll Get Inside The Hybrid Kettlebell & Bodyweight Course: 8 Weeks of Hybrid Kettlebell & Workouts To Develop Strength, Increase Lean Muscle Mass & Improve

BONUS: How to Attack Life for More Success in Health, Business & LIFE

In this BONUS episode of The STRONG Life Podcast, I am the guest on The Living Strong Podcast with Gianluca Masella. GREAT times here talking about taking life head on with a Spartan approach. Gianluca, the host, is no stranger

STRONG Life Brotherhood is OPEN

After lots of planning and deliberating, it was time to consolidate ALL of my work, end the confusion and focus on working with high achievers. That is why The STRONG Life Brotherhood was created. With thousands upon thousands of free

How to Build BEAST High School & College Athletes

I am amazed at times when an athlete feels he needs “another program” when he can’t even squat 225, let alone bench 225. Or when a Sport Coach insists his athletes can Squat, Bench and Deadlift yet they struggle with