Tag: underground strength coach certification

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Building Champion Athletes: Genetics, Geography & Opportunity

Dan John & John Welbourn speak on this topic often, and as a Coach with multiple Underground Strength Gym locations plus coaching D1 Athletes from different areas, I have experienced how 3 factors (Genetics, Geography & Opportunity) have a profound

Hatfield Squats + Lower Body Workout Explained

It’s been a while since I’ve done the Hatfield Squat. These were popularized by Dr. Fred Hatfield aka Dr. Squat. The safety bar on the other hand was originally created by Jesse Hoagland of Trenton, NJ. Hence, it was originally

Strength & Conditioning / Athletic Development for Middle School & Youth Athletes

Every week I get questions from Coaches and Parents asking for guidance on training their son, daughter, nephew, etc who is in middle school. Often times, these kids are in 6th grade and around age 11. If you’re training kids

Strength Training in Your 40s + Minimalist Training Updates

These minimalist workouts bring back memories of my years of influence from men like Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates. When I was 18 and had just won the Young Mr. Israel Bodybuilding Contest (18 years & under) I came home

287: Wrestling Strength & Conditioning Master Class

STRONG Life Podcast ep 287: Wrestling Strength & Conditioning Master Class Brought to you by SORINEX. Every year I hear stories from the wrestlers I train during the first 2 weeks of the season. The stories usually sound like this:

Minimalist Training During the Holidays

December is but a few moments away as is my 46th circle around the sun…… December is the perfect time to transition into a minimalist style of training to ensure you continue training while staying mentally sound during the most

Building Muscle in Your 40s: Shoulder Health & Upper Body Strength Training

  The older you get, the more intelligent you must become with your training. Your intensity gets dialed in and you certainly can’t do the crazy shyt you did in your teens, 20s and even your 30s. Your back, shoulders

PSA: Time to Build TOUGHER Athletes Again

I was training with my old buddy and training partner last week and we started ranting about how much things have changed. When my buddy and I began training together on the regular, he was a teenager and I was

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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