Tag: underground strength gym

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Underground Strength Stories: Tom Platz Squats & Diamond Gym

It was the Winter of 1995 and I was driving to Diamond Gym with my training partners. Our typical 30 minute drive to Diamond was the 3 of us getting fired up to destroy the gym as we blasted music

Black Friday Sale

The Black Friday Sale Starts NOW…… MOST Courses are Discounted Over 50% for the next few days. Get After it & Gift Yourself. Yes, that’s right. Do NOT feel Guilty for Taking care of Yourself / Investing in Yourself. A

You are NOT Special

I’ve got NO time and ZERO TOLERANCE for excuse making lazy folk. Seriously…. Shut Up and get INTENSE. Do some Research & STOP telling me you don’t have time. People seem to have PLENTY of time to WASTE endless hours

STRONG Life Insider: Ep. 38 | How to Take Ownership & Destroy The “Good Enough” Standard

The little things count BIG time. In training, it’s where you place your hands on the bar and the position of your feet. In work, it’s picking up the thread of garbage on the floor or walking past it. It’s

Us vs “Them”

No need to talk to me, I am here to do WORK. Before you even hit the gym, you’ve already been preparing for that training session. 24 hours in advance….. The day before you made sure your eating was on

Chase Those “White Lights” or Get OUT

There is something very special at The Underground Strength Gym. I bring it with me anywhere I Coach. I look for the hardest worker in the room. I’m gonna tell you why in just a second….. You see, I feel

5 Reasons Why You Need Circuit Training

Almost every Friday and anytime I am busy and fighting the clock, I have a Go To system for my training. I often do this on Fridays as a way of “Earning my Weekend”. However, I usually get in a

1967 Mental Toughness Tips from Golden Era Bodybuilding

It’s amazing that even in a 1967 Golden Era Bodybuilding Magazine (Muscle Builder) that people were talking about “This generation has gotten soft”. This article was called Mom-ism May be the Reason Why You are NOT a Champion. As a

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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