Tag: mental toughness

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PSA: Time to Build TOUGHER Athletes Again

I was training with my old buddy and training partner last week and we started ranting about how much things have changed. When my buddy and I began training together on the regular, he was a teenager and I was

Special Strength Training for Wrestlers – The KEY to Building Dominant Wrestlers

  Many THINK they know what wrestlers need when it comes to “strength & conditioning” but I assure you, it is more than strength and more than conditioning. I still see training that is actually too “perfect” for wrestlers. I

Strength Training in Your 40s: MAN STRENGTH

As we “get older”, there comes a point in time where you must ensure that you are capable. The excuses of age, time and anything else are really all just BS. At the time of this writing I am creeping

Training for When SHTF aka Training for Life

Training for sport is one thing. Training for Life takes on a whole new meaning. The “rules” of training don’t apply as much. You look around and see that you can train with anything, anywhere. You realize that “training” must

Squat Life + BEST Advice a Coach Ever Gave Me

The world is a dangerous and crazy place. If you’re not strong both physically and mentally, then you are a threat to yourself and those around you. My training is not focused on chasing the numbers. I am too old

Training for LIFE + 5 Success Tips for Life & Lifting

I came across a video from 2018 on my YouTube channel and felt it needed to get reposted. I’ve got close to 5,000 videos on YouTube, so remember, you can learn anything you want if you’re willing to dig deep

Strength Coach Business “Advices”

I have shared hundreds and hundreds of videos and podcasts regarding the business aspect of being a Strength Coach / gym owner. At the time of this writing, I see more craziness in the world, less “job security” for strength

Strength Training Confusion, How Much Volume & THE Haters

This is an in depth video on answering the common questions, misconceptions on volume training vs low volume training (especially if you’re a natural lifter or a competitive athlete) and then I address the haters. It all began after 2

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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